Download MetaMask Chrome Extension - Every data upload to the Contract requires some Transaction Fees and this is paid using Ethereum Cryptocurrency, to simplify this process MetaMask Chrome Extension Wallet is used, read Here
Get Kovan TestCoins - This application is deployed on Kovan TestNet, users need to select Kovan TestNet in their MetaMask wallets and get Test Coins (These are free) from Here
- Like the Physical Contracts between organizations in Real World, smart contracts define the terms and conditions of contracts on a Digital Ledger, what makes these contracts 'Smart' is their capability of making automatic payments, when certain conditions are met.
- They automate the task of verification and payment processing and remove the third parties involved in the process thus making it more secure and faster.
- Once deployed a smart contract is tamper proof, and will permanently reside over the ledger, payments are done using Cryptocurrencies like Ethereum between organizations.
Ethereum Smart Contracts - Provide the database to save the contract details and terms and conditions. The users interact with these contracts which are hosted on the Kovan TestNet. Smart Contract will be drafted by the Landlord and the Tenant will confirm the details which will make the contract active after Government Verification.